Part of The

Four Cs Academy Trust

Arthur Mellows Village College

Delivering learning for life within an aspirational culture


The PE department is committed to help all students achieve their full potential in Physical Education.  Expectations of students’ effort and behaviour are always high and they are actively encouraged to join in with our extensive extra-curricular programme which is open to all. This timetable is regularly published on the weekly bulletin to students and on the department’s Twitter Page - @AMVC_PE.

The department is fully staffed with experienced Physical Education teachers and a dedicated PE LSA, who come from a wide range of backgrounds and have expertise in a variety of different sports. They are always ready and willing to help and support students throughout their time at the College.

We have fantastic facilities at the College which consist of:

  • Fitness Suite (Recently refurbished)
  • Aerobics Room
  • Sports Hall
  • Multi-Sport Astro Turf
  • Extensive Playing Fields
  • 6 netball courts which convert to 8 tennis courts in the Summer. 
  • Outdoor Basketball Court
  • Outdoor Swimming Pool (Summer term only)
  • Outdoor Table Tennis Tables
  • Dedicated PE classroom

We would also like to take this opportunity to remind all parents and carers that we operate a policy of ‘sick or fit, bring your kit’.  To ensure that students can be as engaged as possible in lessons we require students change into their full PE kit, even if they are not fully taking part practically in the lesson.

Key Stage 3 Physical Education

Year 7, 8 and 9 students are generally taught in sets within the 2 populations of French and Spanish, based on initial physical tests at the beginning of the year together with any assessment grades.  These are regularly monitored throughout the year to ensure students are always pushed to the appropriate level.  Students have 4, 50 minute lessons a fortnight in Years 7 and 8, and 3 lessons in Year 9.

The groups follow the Key Stage 3 schemes of work covering the following activities:

Year 7 and 8

Autumn and Spring Terms - Outwitting through Games (Netball, Football, Basketball, Handball), Gymnastics, Health and Fitness (including use of the fitness suite, dance based exercise, Boxercise and a variety of different training methods).

Summer Term - Athletics, Swimming, Tennis, Cricket and Rounders.

Year 9

Autumn and Spring Terms  - Netball, Football, Basketball, Handball, Table Tennis, Badminton, Gymnastics, Trampolining, Health and Fitness (Including use of the fitness suite).

Netball or Football, Volleyball or Badminton, Table Tennis or Trampolining

Summer Term - Athletics, Cricket, Rounders, Tennis

*Not all students will complete a unit of work in every sport listed*

PE Uniform

Please can parents support their child/children in PE by ensuring that their child has the following kit that is required for each lesson, all items of clothing are available from Chroma Sport:

Item of Clothing


Bottom Half


Plain Black shorts, Track Pants, Skorts or leggings.

Heavy branding (large logo’s, stripes) are NOT permitted Logo’s should be limited to an inch square.

Shorts should be the same length or longer than a student’s longest finger with hands by their sides.



AMVC PE green polo shirt / AMVC Sport Red Polo Shirt (KS4/5 examination PE students only)

Mid Layer / Top Layer

AMVC PE black ¼ zip training top OR Green AMVC PE Hoodie (Must not be worn outside of PE lessons)

Under Shirts/Compression Layers


Black or White top and bottoms


White Sport Socks/Green football socks


Sports Trainers only – no pumps or fashion shoes allowed

Football Boots – recommended for winter months, please ask your child to confirm with their class teacher for exact timings required.

Safety Equipment

Shin Pads & Gum shields are strongly advised for sports that require them (eg Hockey/Rugby/Football), and are essential for any competitive fixture.


We often contact home through Student Planners so please check your child’s planner on a regular basis for information.

Extra-Curricular Activity

As a department we run a wide range of clubs during lunchtimes and afterschool. These vary according to the time of year but information is regularly communicated to students via lessons, weekly bulletins and our Twitter Page - @AMVC_PE.  We try to encompass as many different activities as possible during these clubs and always welcome new requests from students for clubs they would like to see.

In addition to clubs, we also run a wide range of competitive fixtures against other schools, with particular strengths in Cross Country, Football and Netball. We are also looking to increase opportunities for students with additional needs in the near future.

Gifted and Talented

Annually we attempt to identify our students who are gifted and talented in a sporting capacity. Whilst some students can be easily identified during PE lessons, we would encourage students and parent/carers to contact the department to advise of strong performances we may be more unlikely to identify. We also offer a specific Gifted and Talented day for our students who are consistently performing well in and out of school.  These days are run by different specialists for strength and conditioning, nutrition, and psychology behind our athletes’ success.

Key Stage 4 Physical Education


All students in Years 10 & 11 have the opportunity to take part in practical PE lessons. Each student has 3 lessons across a 2-week period, with one of these lessons, in Year 10, being an opportunity to complete the Junior Sports Leaders Award (JSLA) qualification. Activities during lessons are varied and follow a pathway they opt into at the start of each term. During these 2 years we look to give students as broad a range as possible to look to maximise engagement in physical activity.


BTEC Tech Award

What will the students do in the subject?

Assessment for this course is in the form of two coursework components with a range of different assessment methods including; powerpoints, extended writing and practical performance. These are worth a combined total of 60% of the final grade. For the final component students will complete a 90 minute examination worth 40% of the total grade.  

Component 1: Preparing Participants to Take Part in Sport and Physical Activity (30% of the final grade, Exam  Board Set Assignment/Coursework)

In this component learners will explore the different types and provision of sport and physical activity available for different types of participants, barriers to participation and ways to overcome these barriers to increase participation in sport and physical activity. They will also research equipment and technological advances in a chosen sport or physical activity and how to prepare our bodies for participation in sport and physical activity.

Component 2: Taking Part and Improving Other Participants Sporting Performance (30% of the final grade, Exam  Board Set Assignment/Coursework)

Throughout this component learners will investigate the components of fitness and their effect on performance, take part in practical sport, explore the role of officials in sport and learn to apply methods and sporting drills to improve other participants’ sporting performance.

Component 3: Developing Fitness to Improve Other Participants Performance in Sport and Physical Activity (40% Examination)

This is the external exam for this course and takes place at the end of the 2 years in either the January or June of Year 11. Learners will be introduced to and develop an understanding of the importance of fitness and the different types of fitness for performance in sport and physical activity. They will also develop an understanding of the body and fitness testing.

What might the subject lead into, ie A Level, further education, career choices?

This subject can lead onto several avenues of further study.  Students often make a choice to study the A Level Physical Education or BTEC Level 3 National in Sport through our Sixth Form.  As the course explores many areas of sport, it is seen as a very useful insight into the many different careers there are in the sports industry.  These range from fitness instructors to physiotherapists and coaches to teachers.  Many careers such as the Armed Forces or Nursing see a knowledge of sport and fitness as invaluable. But even if none of these are your chosen path the knowledge you gain by looking after your body in the right way is going to be useful to you for your whole life.

Who is it suitable for?

This course is suitable for students who have a genuine interest in Sport.  We deliver the course in a practical way, whenever possible.  We like students to learn through applying their knowledge and understanding of topics through their own sporting experiences.

Key Stage 5 Physical Education

We offer an academic and vocational route in Sixth Form at Key Stage 5.

A Level PE (AQA)

Our vocational offering is the AQA A Level PE course; It is an academic linear course, with all of its formal assessments taking place at the end of Year 13.  It involves two theoretical and one practical unit. In recent years we have been developing the courses delivery seeing progression in results year on year.


Paper 1: Factors affecting participation in physical activity and sport

What’s assessed:

  • Section A: Applied anatomy and physiology
  • Section B: Skill acquisition
  • Section C: Sport and society

How it’s assessed:

  • Written exam: 2 hours
  • 105 marks
  • 35% A-Level

Paper 2: Factors affecting optimal performance in physical activity and sport

What's assessed:

  • Section A: Exercise physiology and biomechanics
  • Section B: Sport psychology
  • Section C: Sport and society and technology in sport

How it's assessed:

  • Written exam: 2 hours
  • 105 marks
  • 35% of A Level

Non-exam assessment: Practical performance in physical activity and sport.

What's assessed:

  • Students assessed as a performer or coach in the full sided version of one activity.
  • Plus: written/verbal analysis of performance.

How it's assessed

  • Internal assessment, external moderation
  • 90 marks
  • 30% of A-level

BTEC Sport Level 3

Our Vocational offering is the BTEC National Level 3 in Sport course. Our students have always been very successful in this course.  The course develops students’ understanding at a higher level, through different vocational scenarios.  Students study a variety of core and optional modules, which allows for greater interest for our students.  All levels of study will include a mandatory unit in Anatomy and Physiology which is a written 1 hour 30 minute paper.

The 2 year linear course for the Extended Certificate (equivalent to one A Level) in Sport includes the following 4 units:

  1. Anatomy and Physiology (Examination)
  2. Fitness Training and Programming for Health Sport and Well-being (Assessed Task)
  3. Professional Development in the Sports Industry
  4. Practical Sports Performance.

The 2 year linear course for the Foundation Diplomas (equivalent to 1.5 A Levels) in Sport includes all previous units with an additional 3 units:

  1. Sports Leadership
  2. Sports Psychology
  3. Application of Fitness Testing.