Arthur Mellows Village College

Delivering learning for life within an aspirational culture



  • The downloadable policies require Adobe Reader
  • Other policies are available upon request
  • These policies are subject to revision due to local or central legislation
  1. 16-19 Bursary Policy
  2. Accessibility Plan
  3. Allergy and Anaphylaxis Policy
  4. Anti Bullying
  5. Assessment Policy
  6. Attendance Policy
  7. Behaviour Policy
  8. British Values
  9. Careers Policy
  10. Charging and Remissions Policy
  11. Children In Care Policy MAT
  12. Code of Conduct for All Adults
  13. Complaints Policy
  14. DfE Keeping Children Safe in Education
  15. EAL Policy
  16. E-Safety
  17. Energy Management
  18. Equality and Diversity Policy Students
  19. Equality and Diversity Policy (Equal Ops)
  20. Exams Policy
  21. Exams - Disability policy
  22. Exams - Early Entry Policy
  23. Exams - Non-Examination Assessment Policy
  24. Exams - Word Processor Policy
  25. First Aid Policy
  26. Freedom of Information Policy
  27. GDPR Policy MAT
  28. Guidance for Safer Working Practice - Feb 2022
  29. Health and Safety Policy and Procedures
  30. Homework Policy
  31. Intimate Care Policy
  32. Manual Handling
  33. Medical Conditions Policy
  34. Mobile Phone Policy
  35. Most Able Policy
  36. Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP)
  37. Personal Information Policy
  38. Physical Intervention Policy
  39. Plagiarism and AI Policy
  40. Prejudice Related Incidents Policy
  41. Privacy Notice Learners July 2019
  42. Privacy Notice Staff July 2019
  43. Public Sector Equality Duty
  44. Quality Monitoring Policy
  45. Recruitment and Selection Policy and Procedure
  46. Relationships and Sex Policy Secondary MAT
  47. Remote Lone Worker Policy MAT
  48. Reporting to Parents and Carers Policy
  49. Safeguarding
  50. Security Policy
  51. SEN Policy
  52. Sexual Violence and Harassment (Students - Secondary)
  53. Single Central Record
  54. Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) Policy
  55. Staff ICT policy
  56. Staff Wellbeing Policy
  57. Student ICT Policy
  58. Teaching and Learning
  59. Trips and Visits Policy Secondary MAT
  60. Uniform Policy
  61. Visiting Speakers Policy
  62. Whistleblowing