Arthur Mellows Village College

Delivering learning for life within an aspirational culture

Year 6 Virtual Open Evening Information

Welcome to Year 6 children and Parents for your interest in attending our ‘Virtual Open Evening’ with regard to prospective admission to the College in September 2021.

We understand that the preparations we have made together with the information in the film and on this website is no substitute for seeing the College for yourselves, as usually happens.  Usually we embrace the opportunity for you to soak up the atmosphere of life at the College at our traditional Open Evening, which gives you the chance to talk to our students and staff.  However, in these unprecedented times, we have created the resources on this website page to enjoy from the comfort and safety of your own home, which we hope will provide you with the information you require.

We would also like to encourage you to browse the College website which contains a wealth of information about our curriculum and how we operate.

Below you will find a link to our Open Evening film which, alongside other links and documents , should enable you to make an informed choice as to whether Arthur Mellows Village College is the secondary school for your son or daughter. 

Our Open Evening Film – “Welcome to Arthur Mellows”


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Information for Parents of New Students

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Admissions Information

Our full Admissions Policy can be accessed here, however, you may find the following information useful:

We have a Published Admission Number (PAN) of 264 which is the maximum number of students we can admit in our Year Groups.  The College is historically over-subscribed and we start each year with a lengthy waiting list.  Places are offered in order of the admission criteria an application meets, details of which can be found in our Admissions Policy and on the Peterborough Local Authority Secondary School Admissions Guidance

If you are a Peterborough resident applying for a place at Arthur Mellows, you need to make your application through the Peterborough Admissions Team, ideally before the deadline date of midnight on 31 October 2020.  Applications received after this date will be dealt with as ‘late’ and processed in subsequent rounds of allocations commencing from 26 April 2021.  This may result in you not gaining a place at your preferred or catchment school.

If you are a resident from another Local Authority, and are interested in applying for a Year 7 place at Arthur Mellows, please access the application arrangements provided for your local area and then choose Arthur Mellows Village College.

We are an ‘Outstanding’ Ofsted school

We are very proud of the fact that we have been awarded Outstanding status by Ofsted on two consecutive inspections: 2009 and 2014.  We work tirelessly to maintain this accolade in everything we do.

Please click here to access our last Ofsted report.

Examination Result Headlines

Please use the following link to the DfE website for the statistical student performance at Arthur Mellows Village College.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if my child is successful with an Offer for Arthur Mellows Village College on Offers Day in March 2021?

Once you have accepted your offer, the College will send you an admission pack which will contain paperwork for your completion as well as key information on how we operate, our school uniform, our expectations etc.  However, this is only the start of our transition work.  In the Summer term our Head of Year 7 will visit each Primary School and talk to the children who are moving up to us as well as to their respective Year 6 teachers.  This enables them to build up a picture of your child including their academic progress.  This information will be used back at the College to construct their timetable.

How many students are at the College and how are Year Groups made up?

There are just under 1700 students currently at Arthur Mellows.  There are 264 in each Year Group, 7-11 and about 380 in the Sixth Form studying for their A Levels.  Year 7 is split into 9 Form Groups with each allocated a Form Tutor who students will see at the start of each day for their registration period before going off to lessons.

How does the timetable work?

Students have 6 lessons a day of 50 minutes in length and we operate a two week timetable cycle.  Students are in different groups according to the subject and the sets that they are placed in.  Continual monitoring takes place by teachers to ensure students are in the correct sets and are challenged correctly according to their academic ability.

What pastoral support will be available for my child?

We have a dedicated pastoral support team who are non-teaching staff, accessible throughout the day to deal with any pastoral concerns or worries from either students or parents.  Working closely with the pastoral team is an Attendance Officer and a Counsellor.

Does the College have a Uniform Policy?

Arthur Mellows Village College has a clear Uniform Policy which can be found on our website.  Having students in correct uniform is inherent to our traditional high standards and helps us maintain order and good behaviour on the College site.  Infringements of the Uniform Policy are dealt with and parents notified.

What is the College’s policy on Bullying?

Arthur Mellows is totally committed to the concept that everyone within our College should feel safe, content and supported and to that extent will adopt a zero tolerance in all forms of bullying.  The ongoing and long-term aim of the policy is to reduce the number of students who experience bullying through increasing awareness of this behaviour, its causes and consequences in the students, staff, parents and carers who make up the College community, and to help students find and put into practice a series of solutions to the problem of bullying.  The policy also aims to ensure that individual cases of bullying will be dealt with consistently and in a constructive and fair manner when they occur.  Procedures for dealing with bullying are clearly set out so that all members of the College community know what they can expect from the College and what the College expects of them, with regard to bullying.  If parents suspect bullying is taking place it should be reported to the Pastoral team as soon as possible so that we can investigate and take any necessary action.

If Parents or Year 6 children have any further questions prior to making an application to join the College, please email

Thank you for taking the time to watch our film and read through this Virtual Open Evening page.


Head of College